BOOK REVIEW: “How to Write and Publish an eBook in 24 Hours” by Ryan Biddulph

Image result for how to write an ebook in 24 hours

I’m letting you know right now: writing an eBook in 24 hours takes serious practice.

Ryan Biddulph has been writing for years. He has over 70 eBooks. Writing 7,000 words a day is the norm for him.

Don’t let this challenging book title scare you off. I picked it up because I was curious to know how it was possible. Read the book and practice, practice, practice!

Here are the tips I’ve picked up from Biddulph’s book:

  1. Write every day
  2. If you’re a newbie writer, try writing for an hour before taking a break. Been a writer for a while? Try for three or four hours.
  3. Write entirely from an outline. This worked great for my articles, scripts, and other creative writing. The longer the outline, the more words you’ll have on your draft. One time, I wrote over 30 pages of notes about Bigfoot sightings across the US. It became a 1,000+ word article.
  4. Edit after you’re completely done writing. Don’t mix writing and editing in one session. It’ll take longer to complete the project. Ignore those red squiggly lines. They can wait. Those Grammarly notifications can wait too.


Biddulph’s writing advice helped me develop block schedules for my writing projects. Recently, I had to complete a power point presentation within a week. I created three-hour blocks throughout the day dedicated to researching, writing notes, outlining, and completing the first draft.

No worries, my blocks included bathroom breaks. I water fast so I didn’t have to grab a snack or cook during my blocks. I rewarded myself with big, delicious meals after my blocks were done.

Block schedules are true productivity gifts. I thank Biddulph for reminding me they exist.


Don’t be afraid to read this book.

Practice writing an eBook at your own pace before you can reach Biddulph mastery god level.

I’ve never written an eBook. However, this book has encouraged me to start one. Amazon considers an eBook official if it’s at least 2,500 words. I write between 2,000 to 3,000 words a week. Sounds like a sweet deal to me!

Have you published an eBook? How long does it take for you to write one?

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