BOOK REVIEW: “Kryon: The End Times” by Lee Carroll

Title: Kryon: The End Times (New Information for Personal Peace) Author: Lee Carroll Publication: Kryon Writings (Oct. 1993) Pages: 172 Series: Kryon Books (#1) Genre: New Age/Metaphysical Format: Hardcover Source: Library Rating: 3/5 Kryon creeped me out a bit. This channeled entity exclaims we "volunteer" to die in a repeatable reincarnation cycle until we finally get our … Continue reading BOOK REVIEW: “Kryon: The End Times” by Lee Carroll

BOOK REVIEW: “Bashar: Blueprint For Change”by Darryl Anka

Title: Bashar: Blueprint for Change - A Message from Our Future Author: Darryl Anka Publication: New Solutions Publishing (Dec 1, 1990) Genre: New Age/Metaphysical Pages: 302 Format: Paperback Source: Purchased Ratings: 5/5 Okay, Bashar: Blueprint for Change was awesome but not $159 awesome! I had quite a challenge getting this book. My library didn't have it so I've requested it through a special … Continue reading BOOK REVIEW: “Bashar: Blueprint For Change”by Darryl Anka

BOOK REVIEW: “Frequency” by Penney Peirce

Title: "Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration" Author: Penney Peirce Publication: Atria Books (February 3, 2009) Pages: 304 Genre: New Age/Metaphysical Format: Hardcover Source: Library Ratings: 3/5 Penney Peirce concludes reality is based on our frequency. Life absolutely sucks when we're on low frequency. Everything you don't want happens: your car breaks down in a middle of heavy traffic, your … Continue reading BOOK REVIEW: “Frequency” by Penney Peirce