BOOK REVIEW: “Rise and Grind” by Daymond John

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Want a Better Life? Better Rise and Grind!

You’ve seen the Instagram quotes and the memes. The rise and grind lifestyle’s everywhere!

But what the heck is it? Rise and grind refer to waking up earlier to work on your long-term goals.

Daymond John wasn’t always the wealthy businessman you see on Shark Tank. He worked at Red Lobster and his FUBU clothesline after hours. Remember FUBU, right?

John wasn’t going to let the Cheddar Bay biscuit life stop him from his lifelong dream. Soon enough, his fashion brand turned into a major success.

Every Successful Person Has This Trait


In Rise and Grind, John has interviewed many notable people, including Catherine Zeta-Jones and Tyler, The Creator. Zeta-Jones has been acting since she was a child. The Creator never stopped making music, no matter his circumstances.

The trait these performers have in common: persistence. Super gamer Ninja is making millions thanks to the hours he put in playing Fortnite. Elon Musk never stopped obsessing over innovative technologies. Look where it got him.

So, what’s stopping you? Master a skill, whether it be acting, singing, selling, building, or writing. Stay persistent.

You’ll be known for your obsessions (the good ones, nothing psycho) and the money will flow into your life. That’s what you want, right? You have bills to pay and deserve your freedom.


We all dream of doing what we enjoy daily without any financial burdens. To get there, Rise and Grind reminds us we have to sacrifice today for a better tomorrow. We have to embrace long-term rewards more than our short ones.

Now, don’t go reading this book and sacrificing sleep. Your body needs to rest! For example, be willing to skip Friday nights out clubbing until 3am.

Hustle all day. Go to bed early. Wake up and repeat.

My Sleeping Test

During the days off from my part-time job, I work all day with breaks in between. I stop work at 7pm. Bedtime’s around 8pm or 9pm.

I don’t play video games or watch movies until I’ve reached a milestone in my side projects. So far, it’s been working for me.


Rise and Grind is the book you need when you’ve reached a block towards your long-term goals.

Stuck serving tables when you want to blog and travel full-time? Your stingy office boss isn’t giving you the time and day when you only want to paint? You’ll get there.

You have to create the time and sacrifice the little stuff. Bump Netflix, bump Fortnite (unless you’re Ninja), bump all the distractions.

What are you willing to sacrifice to rise and grind? Share your ultimate goals in the comments below!

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