BOOK REVIEW: “Do Less, Get More” by Shaa Wasmund

  Title: Do Less, Get More Author: Shaa Wasmund Publication: Portfolio/Penguin Books (June 9, 2015) Genre: General, Self-Help Pages: 224 Format: Hardcover Source: Library Rating:  3/5 Do Less, Get More is a great match for overwhelmed, busybody readers. You'll learn how to make room for what's truly important in your life and map out your goals. Sometimes I feel like twenty-four hours isn't enough … Continue reading BOOK REVIEW: “Do Less, Get More” by Shaa Wasmund

Manga Monday #19: “My Hero Academia” by Kohei Horikoshi

My Hero Academia is an unexpected, action-packed adventure! This manga series is filled with memorable scenes and awesome characters. Izuku  Midoriya is a middle schooler with a dream of being a superhero. In a world where the majority of the world population has some form of a superpower, Izuku was born with none. These powers are … Continue reading Manga Monday #19: “My Hero Academia” by Kohei Horikoshi

Manga Monday #18: “Fairy Tail Blue Mistral” by Hiro Mashima

  If Fairy Tail was a massive cake, full of detailed decorations and layers, Fairy Tail Blue Mistral would be the small, simple cupcake. Blue Mistral is the spinoff series of Fairy Tail starring Wendy Marvell and her feline sidekick Clara. Together, they're off in their own adventures without their fellow Fairy Tail guild members. That's right, no Natsu, … Continue reading Manga Monday #18: “Fairy Tail Blue Mistral” by Hiro Mashima