BOOK REVIEW: “Eat That Frog!” by Brian Tracy

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Three obstacles stop us from achieving our goals: procrastination, fear, and distraction.

Fear is the annoying a-hole always making us wonder “what if” and cower in a corner, even if our goals our five feet away from us. Procrastination loves to attach to us whenever we have important deadlines (like a college paper) and keep us immobile until the last minute. Distraction comes in many forms: endless Tumblr scrolling, Hulu marathons, and all-night Fortnite sessions.

Distractions have you like…

These time-consuming monsters keep us in a cage. Your goals are waiting for you outside of it. The key to escaping this cage is to eat that frog.


Okay, you’re not eating real live frogs here! “Eat that frog” is Brian Tracy’s term for taking out your top priorities first. These priorities are tasks linked to long-term goals like weight-loss, writing a book, or raising a home-based business.


The most important lessons I’ve learned from Eat That Frog were focus and action.

I’ve read countless productivity books. I’ll get right on my game as soon as I finish a book. Yet, distractions tend to creep up on me. The lack of immediate results and patience were my problems. We tend to chase after instant gratification. We need the surge of dopamine to feel good like opening a video game loot box.

If you want to see real rewards, you must step out of the virtual world and focus on shaping your real-life goals. It takes time. Get used to it.


I’ve applied Tracy’s advice as soon as I’ve finished his book and seen results immediately. I’ve accomplished more writing projects in a week than in previous months. I even completed more tasks in my part-time job and moved ahead on future assignments. I’ve received greater rewards in exchange for my efforts thanks to Eat That Frog!

Here’s a tip: Don’t be afraid to work more than assigned. Sacrifice the little things not-related to your long-term goals. It’ll be all worth it in the long run.

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(Book pic: Amazon)

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