BOOK REVIEW: “The Metaphysical World of Isaac Newton”

  Title: The Metaphysical World of Isaac Newton (Goodreads) Author: John Chambers Publication: Destiny Books/Inner Traditions Pages: 480 Genre: New Age/Metaphysical Format: Hardcover Source: Freebie Rating: 3/5 stars How much do you know about Isaac Newton? From school, you’ve probably heard about Newton’s laws of gravity millions of times. What if I told you there’s … Continue reading BOOK REVIEW: “The Metaphysical World of Isaac Newton”

My June 2018 Book Haul

How did your June reading go? I’ve finally started reading Interview with a Vampire as part of my Anne Rice goal for this year. Plus, I’ve read the last Tintin comic Hergé published: Tintin and the Alph-Art. Here’s my June 2018 book haul...