BOOK REVIEW: “The Writing Warrior” by Laraine Herring

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  • Title: The Writing Warrior: Discovering the Courage to Free Your Voice (Amazon) (Goodreads)
  • Author: Laraine Herring
  • Publisher: Shambhala (July 20, 2010)
  • Genre: General Non-Fiction, Writing
  • Pages: 208
  • Format: Paperback
  • Source: Library
  • Rating: 4/5 stars

I can write forever in my journals. However, my writing’s slower when it comes to writing for publication.  Why does this particular block keep showing up? I picked up Laraine Herring’s The Writing Warrior for answers.

Unclog the Writer’s Block

No writer gets excited about writer’s block.

Writer: “F*ck yes, I don’t know what to write after little Suzy falls into the unholy vortex of doom! Now I can sit back and stress!”

Seriously, no writer acts like this.

Writer’s block is like a stubborn toilet clog. No matter how long you use the plunger, the mess only gets worst. Thank goodness, The Writing Warrior points out the problems and solutions:

1. Writing with Expectations

Problem: You think you have everything written out in your perfect outline. In the middle of writing, you have new ideas. Now your story is all over the place.

Solution: Let the story unfold itself. Your outline can be a guide, but let the story take a few twists and turns. After that, see what you can do from there.

2. Blocking Yourself

Problem: One moment, you have your creative juices flowing then you stop to think about what you’ve written and edit it. Two hours later,  you’re stuck in the same paragraph.

Solution: It’s okay to use your first draft as your brain dump stage. Once that stage is over, you can finally let your editor side do its job.

3. Writing Dishonestly

Problem: You try to write like Stephen King or J.K Rowling. It’s not working. It doesn’t feel like your writing.

Solution: Write like you. Listen to your inner voice.

4. Waiting for the Muse

Problem: You don’t start writing until your muse arrives.

Solution: The muse doesn’t show up until you start writing. That’s it. You wouldn’t wait around for Domino’s to show up at your place with pizza out of the blue. You have to call them first.


The Writing Warrior has helped me release my old writing beliefs. Thanks to this book, I’ve written longer than before. I let myself become a free-flowing channel of words.

Got any writing issues? The Writing Warrior can help you.


Which writing books have improved your writing? Have you read The Writing Warrior? 

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