Booksellers for Hungry New Age Readers

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For those who don’t know right now, I love reading books on occult/esoteric studies, ancient aliens, and lost civilizations. Besides purchasing from Amazon and searching through libraries, it’s hard to find exclusive New Age booksellers especially if you don’t live in a major city.

That tiny New Age section at Barnes & Noble rarely helps.

For those interested, I’ve listed a few New Age related booksellers like Lllewellyn Publications and Inner Traditions/Bear Company that may satisfy your cravings. The books listed along with each bookseller I’ve either reviewed, read in the past, or added to my “to-reads” list.

1. Adventures Unlimited Press

2.  A.R.E Press 

3. Hay House

4. Inner Traditions/Bear & Company

5. Llewellyn Publications

6. New Page Books

7. Summit Lighthouse

8.  Weiser Books

I hope all of the new age readers out there find the books you want!

(Pic Source: Tumblr)

If you know any booksellers or cool New Age books, feel free to comment below!

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